# AutoArtix ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/OS-Artix%20Linux-blue?logo=Artix+Linux) A simple installer for Artix Linux. Supports OpenRC and dinit. ## Usage 1. Boot into the Artix live disk (the login and password are both `artix`). 2. Connect to the internet. Ethernet is setup automatically, and wifi is done with something like: ```shell sudo rfkill unblock wifi sudo ip link set wlan0 up connmanctl ``` In Connman, use: `agent on`, `scan wifi`, `services`, `connect wifi_NAME`, `quit` 3. Acquire the install scripts: ```shell git clone https://git.collectiveanalytics.net/moony/AutoArtix.git ``` 4. Run `./install.sh`. 5. When everything finishes, `poweroff`, remove the installation media, and boot into Artix. Post-installation networking is done with Connman. ### Preinstallation * ISO downloads can be found at [artixlinux.org](https://artixlinux.org/download.php) * ISO files can be burned to drives with `dd` or something like Etcher. * `sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/artix.iso of=/dev/sd[drive letter] status=progress` * A better method these days is to use [Ventoy](https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html).