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install.sh Initial commit. 2024-05-08 14:40:21 -04:00



A simple installer for Artix Linux. Supports OpenRC and dinit.


  1. Boot into the Artix live disk (the login and password are both artix).
  2. Connect to the internet. Ethernet is setup automatically, and wifi is done with something like:
sudo rfkill unblock wifi
sudo ip link set wlan0 up

In Connman, use: agent on, scan wifi, services, connect wifi_NAME, quit

  1. Acquire the install scripts:
git clone https://git.collectiveanalytics.net/moony/AutoArtix.git
  1. Run ./install.sh.
  2. When everything finishes, poweroff, remove the installation media, and boot into Artix. Post-installation networking is done with Connman.


  • ISO downloads can be found at artixlinux.org
  • ISO files can be burned to drives with dd or something like Etcher.
  • sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/artix.iso of=/dev/sd[drive letter] status=progress
  • A better method these days is to use Ventoy.